Marcus Bowers

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHi, my name is Marcus Bowers and I became introduced fairly recently to the horse culture in Arizona. I’ve been volunteering and helping out at Valley Silver Bullets Equestrian out in Queen Creek for about 6 years now. It’s been a pleasure getting to know all of the horses and people out there. Valley Silver Bullets is an organization that teaches people western riding and allows them to compete in gymkhanas and competitions. They also do therapeutic riding for children with disabilities. Usually I help out grooming and feeding the horses along with maintenance around the farm when needed. However, whenever I get the chance to ride, I take advantage of the opportunity. My sister rides regularly out there, so i’ll join her as well multiple times throughout the year. I also enjoy watching rodeos and gymkhanas out at Horseshoe Park (0464 E Riggs Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85142) out in Queen Creek. I would definitely recommend going out there to watch some events when you get a day off.

Outside of helping with horses, some of my other hobbies include baseball, mountain biking and dancing. I play baseball for one of the club teams at ASU and love playing the sport. I also enjoy outdoor hobbies such as hiking and mountain biking and am blessed to live in a great state with tons of awesome trails to visit. Lastly, I enjoy swing dancing and salsa dancing when I get the chance to. That just about sums me up, oh, and one other thing, I also like milk mustaches!

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